Install Plugin

There are two ways to install the plugin:

1. Click to install from JetBrains' online website;

2. Install it from the Plugins section in the editor's Settings.

Adjusting the Database Connection Address in Code

If you have successfully installed the plugin, please follow the tutorial:

3.Open the plugin settings and fill in the data configuration information. It is recommended to fill in all fields because future features will rely on it. plugins_setting.png

4.Change the database address in your code project to the plugin's address, typically localhost. Therefore, update it to: Also, change the port to the one you just set, "3340". change_porn.png

Start MySQL Proxy Service and Instruct Your Code to Send MySQL Protocol

5.Start the service. run_plugins.png 6.Run your project and observe if SQL queries are displayed in the plugin's table. sql_log.png